"BLUE" JIMMY: When I used to manage a gym, I used to see the same sight out my office window every day -- some thick-neck musclehead, bench-pressing a bar full of big plates and then slamming it down and walking away with his chest and lats puffed up leaving all the weights on the bar for someone else to put away!
BLIND DOG OZZY: There's at least one a**hole like that in every gym!
"BLUE " JIMMY: Then I would get these same muscleheads in my Warrior Class which emphasized mostly bodyweight exercises and they would struggle to do a few pull-ups from a horizontal bar.
BLIND DOG OZZY: Steroids make your balls shrink, you know!
"BLUE" JIMMY: I tell every new group of students, do you want to be good at lifting weights or good at lifting your body? Tell me, when was the last time in real life you had to lie down on your back and lift 500 lbs off your chest? But what if you needed to climb out the window of a burning building, get up into a tall tree or remove yourself from a wrecked car? Could you do it? Practical strength is different from weight room strength. The pull-up exercise is a good test of whether you should be relied upon in an emergency or whether you should be flexing your muscles on a stage wearing a pair of panties.
"BLUE" JIMMY: Veteranos from the 'hood tell me that in The Joint, all inmates do pull-ups from cell bars, shelves, catwalks, pipes, fixtures or anything they can hook their fingers onto. This is because the pull-up is the most effective back building exercise of all time! The powerful back muscles which are some of the largest in your body, are the muscles necessary for pulling, such as lifting yourself out of a hole, climbing, dragging an opponent down to the ground or yanking a tree out of the soil by its roots (yes, I have had to do all of these things).
BLIND DOG OZZY: Arrggghhhh!!!
"BLUE" JIMMY: But the pull-up is superior to any weight or machine in the gym (e.g. row, lat pulldown) because your body was designed to do the pull-up exercise. I've seen many people seriously f**k themselves up using back extension machines, barbell rows or the dangerous "good morning" exercise which is basically, bowing down with a barbell on your back! It is a well-known fact that the great Bruce Lee screwed up his back doing this exercise and suffered from severe back pain for the rest of his life. He was told he would never be able to throw a kick again but he recovered and relied upon more natural strength-building exercises like the pull-up to maintain that incredible physique and strength that he was famous for ...
BLIND DOG OZZY: Whaaaaaaa, Yaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
"BLUE" JIMMY: Keep in mind that the term pull-up, for practical puposes, refers to the exercise being done with both an overhand and underhand grip. Some people like to use the terms chin-up and pull-up to differentiate between the two but to avoid confusion, we're just going to call them pull-ups. Keeping that in mind, the pull-up with the hands in an underhand position is also the best exercise for developing the biceps muscle, bar none! When you pull up your bodyweight from a bar and you weigh 200 lbs like me, it's like you're doing curls with 200 lb dumbbells!!!
BLIND DOG OZZY: That's why a lot of pussies give up on pull-ups!!!
"BLUE" JIMMY: As far as technique goes, f**k it! Some trainers say that you should drop all the way to the bottom on a pull-up and pull yourself up to your chin over the bar. Others say you should keep your arms locked at all times. Others say you should pull yourself up to your waist for maximum muscle-building benefit. In my experience as a trainer, I have seen many people who could not even support their weight for a few seconds while hanging from a horizontal bar. If you can do any of the above versions of the pull-up, you are getting an excellent workout in one way or another!
BLIND DOG OZZY: Just do it!!!
"BLUE" JIMMY: Sake's Alive!
BLIND DOG OZZY: Steroids make your balls shrink, you know!
"BLUE" JIMMY: I tell every new group of students, do you want to be good at lifting weights or good at lifting your body? Tell me, when was the last time in real life you had to lie down on your back and lift 500 lbs off your chest? But what if you needed to climb out the window of a burning building, get up into a tall tree or remove yourself from a wrecked car? Could you do it? Practical strength is different from weight room strength. The pull-up exercise is a good test of whether you should be relied upon in an emergency or whether you should be flexing your muscles on a stage wearing a pair of panties.
"BLUE" JIMMY: Veteranos from the 'hood tell me that in The Joint, all inmates do pull-ups from cell bars, shelves, catwalks, pipes, fixtures or anything they can hook their fingers onto. This is because the pull-up is the most effective back building exercise of all time! The powerful back muscles which are some of the largest in your body, are the muscles necessary for pulling, such as lifting yourself out of a hole, climbing, dragging an opponent down to the ground or yanking a tree out of the soil by its roots (yes, I have had to do all of these things).
BLIND DOG OZZY: Arrggghhhh!!!
"BLUE" JIMMY: But the pull-up is superior to any weight or machine in the gym (e.g. row, lat pulldown) because your body was designed to do the pull-up exercise. I've seen many people seriously f**k themselves up using back extension machines, barbell rows or the dangerous "good morning" exercise which is basically, bowing down with a barbell on your back! It is a well-known fact that the great Bruce Lee screwed up his back doing this exercise and suffered from severe back pain for the rest of his life. He was told he would never be able to throw a kick again but he recovered and relied upon more natural strength-building exercises like the pull-up to maintain that incredible physique and strength that he was famous for ...
BLIND DOG OZZY: Whaaaaaaa, Yaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
"BLUE" JIMMY: Keep in mind that the term pull-up, for practical puposes, refers to the exercise being done with both an overhand and underhand grip. Some people like to use the terms chin-up and pull-up to differentiate between the two but to avoid confusion, we're just going to call them pull-ups. Keeping that in mind, the pull-up with the hands in an underhand position is also the best exercise for developing the biceps muscle, bar none! When you pull up your bodyweight from a bar and you weigh 200 lbs like me, it's like you're doing curls with 200 lb dumbbells!!!
BLIND DOG OZZY: That's why a lot of pussies give up on pull-ups!!!
"BLUE" JIMMY: As far as technique goes, f**k it! Some trainers say that you should drop all the way to the bottom on a pull-up and pull yourself up to your chin over the bar. Others say you should keep your arms locked at all times. Others say you should pull yourself up to your waist for maximum muscle-building benefit. In my experience as a trainer, I have seen many people who could not even support their weight for a few seconds while hanging from a horizontal bar. If you can do any of the above versions of the pull-up, you are getting an excellent workout in one way or another!
BLIND DOG OZZY: Just do it!!!
"BLUE" JIMMY: Sake's Alive!