Wednesday, March 4, 2020




"BLUE" JIMMY:  If you look at fast food and even quality restaurant menus today, you will find selections that claim to be "Keto-friendly."  What this means is that there are dishes on the menu that cater to those eating a low-carbohydrate diet (Ketogenic Diet, Atkins Diet, et al.) which is yet another type of fad diet that people think will make them lose weight.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  Just sew your mouth shut, porky!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  The photos at the beginning of this article are actual photos from my local public library which periodically gets rid of books which are no longer timely, relevant or just don't get checked out no more.   They stick them in a book sale for 25 to 50 cents and they sit there for weeks.  If you can read the titles, they are all fad diet and exercise books which were all probably on the bestseller list at one time and then fell out of favor.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  "The Fast Food Diet?"  Yeah, that's gonna work.

"BLUE" JIMMY:  The latest diet fads seem to be The Ketogenic Diet and The Atkins Diet which are both a form of carbohydrate-restrictive diets which many knowledgeable people will tell you have questionable results and even possible harmful side-effects.   The Ketogenic Diet was developed primarily to treat epileptic children.  Basically, this type of diet forces the body to burn fats for energy rather than carbohydrates.  Some adults who tried the diet found that a residual side-effect was temporary weight loss which some people found intriguing.  The Atkins Diet's main appeal seems to be that you can eat bacon, eggs, ham, steak and other fatty foods while still losing weight ... again, on a temporary basis.  Without getting too technical, I can tell you from years of fitness training experience that your body requires a balance of healthy fat, protein and yes, carbohydrates to function properly.  According to your fitness needs and activity level, you can adjust the proportions ... but you always need all three!  If you cut one nutrient out of your diet, you're asking for trouble.  

BLIND DOG OZZY:  For example, if you cut all the fat out of your diet, you would be in the hospital in a matter of weeks!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  You also have to realize that the swimsuit models, bodybuilders and action heroes you see onscreen and admire so much only have a temporary body which may have taken extreme measures to achieve.  Sylvester Stallone once said that to get that ripped, pure muscle appearance in some of his movies, he had to eat NOTHING but tuna fish and drink water for 6 months.  

BLIND DOG OZZY:  How long could YOU keep that up?

"BLUE" JIMMY:  The bottom line is whatever diet or exercise plan you use, it has to be something you can maintain healthfully, long-term or perhaps, the rest of your life.  How long do you think you can go without (carbohydrates) fruit, vegetables, noodles, pasta, rice, tortillas ... 

BLIND DOG OZZY:  ... and bread!

"BLUE" JIMMY: Sake's Alive!