Tuesday, October 16, 2012




"BLUE" JIMMY:  Look in any gym or health club or wherever people work out and you'll see a room full of machines.  I have a problem with that.  Looking back in human history, you'll find that it was the invention of machines that made us weak in the first place.  People were strong wood choppers,  water bearers, plow pullers and animal wranglers before we made machines to do all the work for us.  Then we got weak as a species and had to invent exercise regimens to make us strong again.   After centuries of presumed progress, we're right back where we started by having machines do all the work for us.

BD OZZY:  Whoa!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  The art of body-weight exercise has, for the past few decades, been mostly lost in gyms in this country but not by the people who really excel in physical activity.

BD  OZZY:  We're talking about gymnasts, acrobats, athletes, martial artists, soldiers, law enforcement and prison inmates who are known to break their cuffs while in custody -- S**t!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Many of these people don't have access to weights and machines or they participate in activities that require practical strength and body skills, not bloated muscles to show off with.  Just like the ancient Spartans, who needed their bodies to perform or die, people have used basic calisthenics like the squat, the pushup, the pullup and the handstand to chisel their bodies into fighting shape since the beginning of civilization.   Decades ago, alternative medicine shook the foundations of the medical establishment when people realized there were more natural ways to treat their illnesses.  Now, with the increasing popularity of body-weight workouts in fitness centers all over the country, people are discovering that there are natural alternatives to the old weight and machine workout.  But do you see what's happened here?  In both instances, people are simply going back to the roots.

BD OZZY:  Could it be that the era of sweaty guys pumping iron and posing in front of mirrors is coming to an end?  Check out my fence climbing workout video -- you can't cage me!!!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Sake's Alive!

BD OZZY:  Wow!  Wow!

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